How To Make Receipts

How to get a receipt for Venmo payment?

Need a receipt for a Venmo payment?  Venmo only offers very basic records of your payments.  If you need a receipt for goods or services and were paid with Venmo – you are likely searching for an easier solution for creating a receipt for your transaction.

The easiest way to make a receipt for a Venmo payment is to use the Venmo Receipt Template available at     You can quickly edit the receipt template on the screen and update the name, value and purchase description.   Once finished editing the Venmo receipt, you simply click “Download” and voila – a perfect receipt that looks like it was produced on the Venmo app itself.

We also have another solution to the situation:  ExpressExpense Receipt Maker.

Image result for venmo payment screenshot

If you received or sent a payment with Venmo and need a receipt – ExpressExpense is an easy way to create a receipt.


Create A Receipt for Venmo


ExpressExpense allows you to create receipts for anything.  Once you’ve created a receipt, you can easily share the receipt via email or SMS.

ExpressExpense Receipt Maker offers many receipt templates.  Receipts can be itemized, include logos, have specific tax-rates and currencies.

If you pay your housekeeper $100 a week using Venmo (or other payment services) and need a receipt for tax purposes…make a receipt!

If you are running lemonade stand and need to provide customers with accurate receipts for Venmo payments of $1 per lemonade…make a receipt using ExpressExpense!

If you are a trades persons (electrician, carpenter, etc) and you provide your services or supplies to a client or general contractor – make a receipt!


Create A Receipt for Venmo


Need a Uber Receipt Generator?  Make Uber receipts in a few seconds!   

Or check out – another fantastic receipt maker!

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