We continue to add new receipt templates to ExpressExpense Receipt Maker on a regular basis. This week, we’ve added a few more receipts to the receipt template inventory. Let’s take a look at what is new!
Improved Receipt Fonts
Steve Jobs was notorious for obsessing over details. As the story goes, Steve famously audited a calligraphy class at Reed College (Portland, OR). A Trappist monk named Robert Palladino was teaching this class. Steve didn’t realize this class would have any application in his life. However, he later attributed the beauty of his Apple operating system to this particular class.
We also believe the details matter. More importantly, the typography matters as and when you are making professional-quality receipts. We took the time to design several new fonts that create the most accurate and crisp images possible. These receipt fonts were developed by dissecting receipts from many popular retail stores and building the fonts from scratch. The results is 4 new receipt fonts that perfectly match the fonts used at POS systems at stores such as Walmart, Target and Home Depot.

Airport Parking Receipt Template

This new Airport Parking Receipt template gives travelers one more option for submitting expense reports on time. The receipt requires an Entry Time and Exit Time to be provided to establish the total length of parking time. The total parking time is calculated by the receipt maker system and is displayed as the Duration field. This parking receipt displays the parking duration as a total of days, hours and minutes. The transaction and ticket numbers are both automatically generated on this receipt. The total parking cost is easy to enter for this receipt since it is only a single field.
This parking receipt template could be used for any type of parking. It happens to be titled “Airport Parking Receipt” because it was modeled after a Laguardia Airport parking service. Feel free to use it for event parking, downtown parking, valet parking or anything else!
Restaurant Bar Receipt
We know our users would like more restaurant receipts to use for their businesses. We decided to add more receipts that have the write-in TIP and TOTAL areas defined. This receipt is clean and simple and was designed to match a very common POS system’s receipt output. The default receipt font is a custom thermal font that was newly created for this particular receipt template. This receipt has itemized products shown on the receipt and displays the Amount in a larger font size. This Amount is a total of the Sub-total and TAX. Remember, if you use this receipt, you are typically suppose to pay TIP on the Sub-Total (before tax) only! The user of this receipt would then write-in his own calculation of tip and the add the Sub-Total to the Tip to get the final total. Finally, the receipt has a SIGNATURE line at the bottom for the customer’s authorizing signature.
Always improving to create the Best Receipt Maker in the World
We continue to adapt our receipt maker tool to make it truly a great product and value. Our customers deserve the most reliable, professional and secure tool for making receipts. We listen closely to our customer’s feedback and have quarterly customer-focused feedback sessions to focus on differentiating our receipt maker from the competition. As usual, please feel free to Contact Us using the contact form.